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About gourd(lauki):
The gourd is a vine grown for its fruit. It can either be harvested in the young stage to be used as a vegetable or harvested in the mature stage, dried, and used as a bottle, utensil, or pipe. The gourd is yellowish-green in colour and usually in the shape of a bottle. The vegetable has a white pulp, with white seeds embedded in the spongy flesh.
It is cultivated in the humid weather of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, China, tropical Africa and South America. It is also locally known in many places as bottle squash, white gourd, trumpet gourd, lauki, doodhi, ghia and calabash gourd. When lauki is cooked or juiced, it has proven to have sedative and anti-bilious properties. Eating lauki gives a relaxed feeling.

gourd calories content:
  1. It is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, high in dietary fibre, Vitamin C, riboflavin, zinc, thiamine, iron, magnesium and manganese.
  2. 100 grams of bottle gourd contains 15 calories. 
  3. 100 grams for edible portion contains 1 grams fat. 
  4. It's water content is 96%.

Health benefits of gourd:
  1. Provides vital Nutrients: This one vegetable contains various vitamins like Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-K and vitamin-E. It also packs a whole lot of other minerals like manganese, potassium and iron. All these come in together to make lauki a wholesome food that fights off common infections and serious diseases. 
  2. Protect from summer heat: Brimming with electrolytes, lauki restores the energy lost through sweating. Lauki juice is extremely hydrating and is a great summer drink to load up on.
  3. Promotes weight loss: With almost no calories and no saturated fats, bottle gourd is more than 90% water. That's why it's considered a light-weight food, and with a considerable amount of fibre, it aids in the digestion process and helps in burning excessive calories. 
  4. Alleviates Anxiety: Lauki contains an anti-depressant compound called choline, which peddles up blood circulation in the brain and provides relieves from stress and depression.

Health benefits of gourd juice:
  1. Drinking a glass of bottle gourd juice in the morning helps in treating grey hair.
  2. The bitter variety of calabash gourd is considered as a cardiac tonic, an antidote for poisoning and a tonic for alleviating bronchitis, cough, asthma, and biligenic infections.
  3. Bottle Gourd Juice acts as an alkaline mixture which relieves burning sensation in the urinary passage.
  4. Mixing the juice with sesame oil provides an effective medicine for insomnia. Massage the scalp with this preparation every night.
  5. The juice extracted from the leaves of bottle gourd is beneficial in jaundice.
  6. Bottle gourd juice is very helpful in treating insanity, epilepsy, stomach acidity, indigestion, ulcers and other nervous diseases.
  7. A glass of bottle gourd juice, mixed with a little salt, helps in preventing excessive loss of sodium from the body.

Click here to read this article in Hindi. 


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