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brinjal plant: Health benefits

About brinjal:
Brinjal are a great source of vitamin-c, vitamin-k, vitamin-B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid, potassium etc.
Baingan or Brinjal is also called Eggplant and Aubergine. Did you know? It is actually a fruit which is commonly used as a cooked vegetable. Brinjal belongs to the family of Solanaceae, also commonly known as nightshades, and are cousins of potatoes, tomatoes and bell peppers. Here are some impressive benefits of consuming Brinjal due to its antioxidant and phytochemical contents.
One Cup of chopped Brinjals is 126 grams.
RDA stands for Recommended Daily Allowance:-

  • Calories :- 30 grams 
  • grams of Protein :- 1.76 grams 
  • Carbs :- 5 grams 
  • Fat :- 0.37 grams 

Health benefits of brinjal:

1. Great for weight loss: Brinjal is low in calories. A cup of chopped brinjal contains only 30 calories and can help you in managing your weight. It contains negligible amount of fats and provides bulk to your diet and thus promotes satiety helping you to eat lesser in between meals. Therefore, it promotes weight loss.

2. Cancer: The compound glycoalkaloids produced by skin cancers in humans . The active compound nasunin prevents angiogenesis thereby prevents from cancer.

3. Good for blood: Brinjals are rich in folate, which is required for producing Red Blood Cells (RBC’s) and also helps to prevent

4. High in fiber: Brinjals are a very good source of fibre. Fibre acts as a laxative and will prevent or treat constipation. Fibre also reduces the fat absorption and helps to maintain weight. It also prevents blood glucose from shooting up and is good for diabetics.

5. Good for diabetics: Brinjal has a Glycemic Index of 15 which is low. Glycemic Index are for foods you eat, ranks carbohydrate-containing foods by how quickly they digest and raise your blood sugar or glucose levels.
Foods that are high in GI are not suitable for weight loss and diabetics. Low carb recipe like Baingan Bhaja can be enjoyed by diabetics.

6. Antioxidants: Brinjal contains phytonutrients which include phenolic compounds. These compounds act as antioxidants. Two such phytonutrients are chlorogenic acid and nasunin which are potent antioxidants and thus prevents formation of free radicals, thereby protecting cell membranes from damage.

7. Low sodium: Brinjals contain negligible amount of sodium therefore they are safe to be consumed by hypertensives. Low sodium recipes include Baingan Bharta, Smoked Brinjal and Pumpkin Dip, Baingan Chutney and Brinjal Rice.

Click here to read this article in Hindi. 


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