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Chilli plant: Health benefits

About green chillis: 
There are over 10,000 varieties of chillies in the world .on average, chillies grow just under matter. That being said, there are chillies that reach 10 metre in height.The pollination process is carried out by insects or the wind. When in close proximity chillies cross pollution and if the varieties are different, the resultant seeds are hybrid. Chillies are one of the most used spices in Indian cooking. There is an incredibly diverse range of chilli peppers, all of which serve their own individual purpose in the cooking process. There are numerous types of chillies some different colours, from other countries and different levels of heat. green chillies have a sharper and hotter kick to them. 
Green chillies have absolutely zero calories, making them the perfect spice ingredient for those focused on a healthy diet. They can also speed up your metabolism as much as 50% for up to three hours after eating, ensuring a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Health  benefits  of green chillis:
  1. Natural resources of iron: Add green chillis to your diet plan and never feel weak or tired again due to a lack of iron. If you suffering from an iron deficiency then this is a great way to improve your overall with a natural source of iron.
  2. Blood sugar levels: Green chillis have been proven to balance blood sugar levels.
  3. Pain, digestive and ulcer preventative: Green chillis have plenty of dietary fiber and therefore can help you digest food faster. The heart produced from chillies can act as a pain reliever, digestive and contrary to belief prevent ulcers. 
  4. Protect the body: Green chillis loaded with antioxidants protect the body against free radicals, which help keep prostate problems at bay.  
  5. Lowers body temperature: interestingly enough capsaicin, found in green chillis although hot to taste, has been shown to lower body temperature by stimulating the cooling centre of the hypothalamus in the brain. 
  6. Improve skin regime: In order to ensure your chillis withholds the vitamins-c ensure that they are stored in a dark, cool area. Chillis exposed to heat, light and air are at risk of losing their vitamins-c. Rich in vitamin-c and beta-carotene, chillis are great for helping you take care of your skin regime.
  7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eating green chillis can help reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, by reducing blood cholesterol it also prevents blood clots that could later lead to a heart attack or stroke. 

Click here to read this article in Hindi. 


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